These are actually a hodge-podge of unrelated projects, so it takes a little diagramming to show you which cookie is for what.

The pink ones with little frosting (a-hem) undergarments – are for Cosmetic Surgery Affiliates.

The CSA site redesign features a much cleaner navigation and a cool before-and-after photo gallery. While the TFCU Partners site update has more built-in interactivity, more regularly updated content, and a modern spiffed-up look.

Then there's the Save-A-Tron web site. Super cute... He blinks! He beeps! There's a pig with a hairbow! (Hence the cookie version.) This is TFCU's new youth account site, complete with games, tips for parents and teachers and crafts. And if you don't know about Save-A-Tron, check him out here.

So, needless to say, Kande was busy making special deliveries to lots of happy clients that day. Meanwhile, Jentry's "special delivery" still has a month to go... so it's best to keep her away from your cookies 'til then.
super cute & super yum!
Yes, yum, indeed! We're kind of into food around here if you haven't noticed.
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