Of course we promptly unpacked him.

And tried him on.

Then proceeded to prance around the office and create a general ruckus. What?! We're excited!

Save-A-Tron has been a concept in the making for a while now. TFCU wanted a new character to teach kids about the importance of saving, and we were up to the task. Plus, it's kind of fun to sketch different character concepts. We felt like bad ass Pixar "imagineers."

We even did focus groups with children to see if they were feeling the Save-A-Tron vibe. They contributed their own interpretations of the friendly robot.

But eventually the true Save-A-Tron 5000 and his buddies, The Saveables, took their final shape. The idea is for Save-A-Tron to look like a robot a child would have made themselves at home out of found materials.

Our mascot maker started with a very rough pattern. Talk about homemade, doesn't the background kind of look like the house of a stalker or something like that?

No-mouth version of the Save-A-Tron head? Still feeling a stalker vibe here people.

Okay, there we go. We finally get more huggable less restraining-order Save-A-Tron here.
Save-A-Tron's not our first credit union character turned giant foam-head spokesperson. Remember Simon from Delta Community Credit Union?

Next stop, presenting Save-A-Tron and his youth program for the first time to everybody at a big internal Tinker Federal Credit Union event. Will and Thurman from TFCU got ready backstage.

Uh... turns out Thurman has freak-feet, coming in at a size 14, which was actually bigger than the oversized foam mascot feet. But no tripping allowed as they went out for the unveiling.

Kande sneaked one last shot from her phone backstage, and waited for the response from behind the curtain. Whew! Huge applause followed. No restraining orders filed. Save-A-Tron's a hit.
Thank you Hogtown Mascots for being so great to work with! (Sorry about the stalker house comment).
he is FANTASTIC and I love his "Saveable" friends - great job!
Thanks Julie. Everyone needs their sidekick friends, right?
I am not sure why I just found this post but WOW! He looks fantastic. Just how I had imagined it. Great job guys!
I know, he's very huggable.
Thanks Hallie!
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