This (PG-13) video we created for the contest explains the rules for creating your video. It's a pretty sweet prize if you win: a $2,000 scholarship and a MacBook from TFCU. And it's mostly promoted locally, so there's a good chance if you put in a good effort you might win.

So it made me start thinking. What do we buy around here?

Uh... well, mostly toys in the creative department. These Tokyo terrors are a new addition to Brett's desk. I guess the Hulk got bumped.

I have an obsession with totes. This one is doubling as my take-home copywriting briefcase right now. But I have many. Ridiculous many. Ranging in patterns from spoons, soupcans, and robots, to more traditional plaids, starbursts and glittery golds.

This guy's been sitting over by Roy's desk for a while now. I don't know where he bought it. I don't know what it is. But, it's cute.
So our purchasing habits of late may seem trifling. But they just help add a little flair to the place we love.
And speaking of love, love, love... our account executive Natalie has been a busy making a video of her own... all by herself. It's called "For The Love of The Game," and she debuted it at our Third Degree agency retreat (for internal purposes only, please no one sue us for using the song she downloaded). It was just a really neat reminder at the end of a long day (heck, a long year) why we all keep serving it up.
Thanks Natalie. You made me cry. I'm going to by you a tote.
Okay, Pam just let me know that Roy's fuzzy fellow was not a purchase but a gift from some other fellows (less fuzzy though) who were visiting our office last week.
"The creature in Roy's chair came from our Canadian visitors. It was the Olympic mascot."
– Pam
The Hulk is now guarding my Plaka™. More desk monsters to come!
It's Quatchi, one of the Olympic mascots. He's a sasquatch.
Thanks Ison! He definitely has an abominable vibe going on.
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