When in doubt. Go classic Hollywood movie monsters.

Tara, Creative Director, Bride of Frankenstein (with $8 worth of hairspray holding up one hair-do)

Daniel, Senior Art Director, The Wolfman (during transformation)

Brett, Art Director, The Invisible Man

We didn't even see him coming.

Jared, Account Coordinator, Chef from Blood Feast (did we mention part of our Halloween tradition is a potluck lunch?)

Amanda, Director of Strategic Planning, (and Strategic Vamping) as Bride of Dracula

Amy, Director of Marketing, Cleopatra and her Mummies

Misty, Operations Coordinator and Mutant Spider

Bring on the atomic mutant bugs! Caroline, Admin Assistant, as an Atomic Ant

No wire hangers!!! Account Executive Natalie as everyone's favorite silver screen mom, Joan Crawford in Mommie Dearest

Priceless. CEO Roy as Vincent Price. Squinty equals sexy, right?

The scream queen Janet Leigh as portrayed by Pam, our numbers queen and Director of Operations

Who let the birds out? Who else could play Tippi Hedren...

... but our own blonde with a dramatic streak to match, Accounts Director, Kande
Oh, there's more. You can see all our Halloween pics here.
Happy Haunting!
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