... to get stuffed.
This year we took our general agency love of food, combined with my love of fake food (and my personal collection of hand sewn stuffed vegetables I picked up at a yard sale years ago) and constructed a handcrafted Third Degree holiday card for 2009.
For a retrospective of past Third Degree holiday cards (some more controversy-sparking than others) click here.
We were going to arrange real Christmas lights around the fabric beets and tomatoes and carrots, but were struck by inspiration to hand make those, too, out of yarn and tissue paper. Kathleen photo directed the eggplant. They can be such divas.
Next on the merry-making agenda? Packaging up our homemade salsa for everyone. Unlike our crafty little Christmas lights, we did not technically make the salsa with our own hands. We have a salsa lady for that. What? Don't you have a salsa lady? We highly recommend it.
But we did make like little elves all assembly line style during our Monday agency lunch to get our salsa all packaged, labeled and topped with bows.
For extra inspiration we made sure to have a classic Christmas movie playing in the background.
Christmas Vacation? No.
Rudolph The Red Nose Reindeer? Nope.
Charlie Brown Chrismas? Uh. uh.
Love Actually. Actually.
Because choosing to address all our Christmas posts by hand (no laser printed labels for us, no way!) takes a little Hugh Grant, a lot of holiday cheer, and probably not as much vegging out as the title of this post might suggest.
this is so impressive!!
Thanks jenX!
I will be adding to my "to do" list for next season to make my own Christmas Lights! Thank you for the inspiration and the SALSA!
They are craftily impressive. Granted they don't actually light up. But charm has its compromises. Thanks Julie. And thanks for the fancy candy canes.
Next year for the Christmas movie, try "The Shop Around the Corner."
... the other JImmy Stewart Christmas movie.
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